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Interdistrict Transfers

An interdistrict transfer is when a student and their parent request that their student attend a school in a school district outside of their community’s normal school district. A Dehesa School District student can request a transfer to another district, or an outside student can request a transfer into Dehesa School District. All interdistrict transfers are subject to review and approval.

IMPORTANT: Interdistrict transfer requests are received, reviewed and processed throughout the year and subject to Board Policy 5117 and Administrative Regulation 5117. The District will make attempts to process the request as quickly as possible, however no later than 30 days after receipt of the request. For the current school year, interdistrict transfer requests must be received by December 1st in order to be considered for enrollment. Interdistrict requests received after this date will apply for the next school year, however exceptions may apply.

For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district 15 or fewer calendar days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.

For an interdistrict transfer request received by the district more than 15 days before the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer is sought, the district will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which transfer is sought. The interdistrict transfer form is available here.


Interdistrict Transfers and Special Education

If you are applying for your student to enroll into Dehesa from another district and he/she is in the Special Education program on an IEP, a copy of the IEP must be attached with your transfer form.


Interdistrict Transfer Appeals and Revocations

A parent/guardian may appeal the denial of an interdistrict attendance permit in writing to the Superintendent within 10 days of the notice of denial. The Superintendent shall review and respond to the appeal and provide the parent/guardian with the next available board meeting for final determination of the appeal. If the permit is denied, the parent/guardian may follow all applicable steps under the policies and regulations listed above to appeal to the County Board of Education. A permit may be revoked or rescinded as outlined in Administration Regulation 5117.

Failure of a parent/guardian to meet any timelines established by the district shall be deemed an abandonment of the request.

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